the longest day

June 20, 2012  •  Leave a Comment


today the sun will appear to stand still as it hovers at it’s highest point as seen from the northern hemisphere.  


and from this place, the sun will formally introduce summer.  this introduction comes with a gentle reminder that these longer days will not last forever and from this place, minute by minute, the days will slowly wane until they are no longer apparent.   then, as if the sun knows how hardening and consuming darkness can be for our spirit, it will appear from the opposite side.  from this new place,  the sun will formally introduce winter, but not without a gentle reminder that these dark days will not last forever.  from this, the days will swell slowly until they are no longer distinguishable.  then, as if the sun knows how hardening and consuming light can be for our spirit, it will appear again, bringing with it another reminder, that these bright days will not last forever. 



I believe the sun will continue to do this until we no longer need reminding. 


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